IRIX 6.5 Installation Tools
IRIX 6.5 Foundation 1
IRIX 6.5 Foundation 2
IRIX 6.5 Applications
SGI O200出厂时已经预装操作系统,因此系统硬盘不必重新分区。增加的硬盘改变分
区可以在操作系统正常启动后使用"fx -x"命令重新分区。
System Maintenance Menu
1) Start System
2) Install System Software
3) Run Diagnostics
4) Recover System
5) Enter Command Monitor
Option? 5
Command Monitor. Type "exit" to return to the menu.
插入"IRIX 6.5 Installation Tools"光盘
>> hinv "查看系统硬件配置"
System SGI-IP27 "IP27----CPU类型"
1 180 MHz IP27 Processors
Main memory size: 128 Mbytes
Integral SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1
Integral Fast Ethernet
IOC3 serial port
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI Controller 0, (dksc(0,1,0))
CDROM: unit 6 on SCSI Controller 1, (cdrom(1,6,7)) "cdrom(1,6,7)--光驱在1号
>> boot -f dksc(1,6,8)SASH64 dksc(1,6,7)stand/fx.64 --x
sash版本 fx版本 "sash、fx版本由CPU
896+115812+16653+3832 entry: 0xa8000000012a7e2c
2112+115940+28805+10680 entry: 0xa800000000fd3eac
SGI Version 6.5 ARCS BE64 Apr 30, 1998
fx: "device-name" = (dksc) "dksc是SCSI硬盘名称"
fx: ctlr# = (0) "SCSI控制器号"
fx: drive# = (1) "单元号"
...opening dksc(0,1,0) "dksc(0,1,0)--系统硬盘"
注:对某个硬盘分区,改变ctlr、drive 参数 selftest...OK
Scsi drive type == SGI QUANTUM XP34550WLXY7
----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
[b]Adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/
fx> r
----- partitions----- "系统硬盘由操作系统自动分区"
part type blocks Megabytes (base+size)
0: xfs 1052672 + 7835871 514 + 3826
1: raw 4096 + 1048576 2 + 512
8: volhdr 0 + 4096 0 + 2
10: volume 0 + 8888543 0 + 4340
capacity is 8888543 blocks
----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[ro]otdrive [o]ptiondrive [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive [re]size
fx/repartition> ..
----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
[b]adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/
fx> exi
Installing PROM Device drivers ............
Walking SCSI Adapter 0 (/hw/module/1/slot/MotherBoard), (pci id 0)
1+ 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- = 1 device(s)
Walking SCSI Adapter 1 (/hw/module/1/slot/MotherBoard), (pci id 1)
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6+ 7- = 1 device(s)
Initializing PROM Device drivers .......... DONE
Checking hardware inventory ............... DONE
rootdrive ----- Repartition as system drive with root,swap,vh,and vol partitions
usrrootdrive ----- Repartition an old-style system drive with root partition,swap,
optiondrive ----- Repartition as option drive with one large efs/xfs,vh,and
vol partitions
resize ----- Resize the standard partitions (depending on whether you
choose root,usrroot,or option drive)
expert ----- Use expert mode for repartitioning.Must be used for
分区名称 分区号
root 0
swap 1
usr 6
(none) 7
volhdr 8
(none) 9
volume 10
xfslog 15
System Maintenance Menu
1) Start System
2) Install System Software
3) Run Diagnostics
4) Recover System
5) Enter Command Monitor
Installing System Software...
Press to return to the menu.
1) Remote Directory 2)[Local CD-ROM]
*a) Local SCSI CD-ROM drive 6, on controller 1
Enter 1-2 to select source type, a to select the source, to quit,
or to start:回车
Insert the installation CD-ROM, then press : 插入Installation Tools光盘
Copying installation program to disk.
......... 10% ......... 20% ......... 30% ......... 40% ......... 50%
Copy complete
IRIX Release 6.5 IP27 Version 05190109 System V - 64 Bit
Copyright 1987-1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Setting rbaud to 19200
root on /hw/module/1/slot/MotherBoard/node/xtalk/8/pci/0/scsi_ctlr/0/target/1/lu
n/0/disk/partition/1/block ; boot swap file on /dev/swap swplo 63000
Creating miniroot devices, please wait...
Current system date is Thu Nov 26 17:00:50 PST 1998
Mounting File Systems:
dksc1d6: NOT READY: retrying
/dev/miniroot on /
/dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on /root
Invoking software installation.
Default distribution to install from: /CDROM/dist
For help on inst commands, type "help overview".
Inst 3.3 Main Menu
1. from [source ...] Specify location of software to be installed
2. open [source ...] Specify additional software locations
3. close [source ...] Close a software distribution location
4. list [keywords] [names] Display information about software subsystems
5. go Perform software installation and removal now
6. install [keywords] [names] Select subsystems to be installed
7. remove [keywords] [names] Select subsystems to be removed
8. keep [keywords] [names] Do not install or remove these subsystems
9. step [keywords] [names] Interactive mode for install/remove/keep
10. conflicts [choice ...] List or resolve installation conflicts
11. help [topic] Get help in general or on a specific word
12. view ... Go to the View Commands Menu
13. admin ... Go to the Administrative Commands Menu
14. quit Terminate software installation
Inst> open /CDROM/dist
IRIX 6.5 Installation Tools, June '98 README
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
This CD contains the miniroot and other components necessary to boot
the system into the basic installation environment for operating
system installs and upgrades. It also contains a set of documentation
called "Customer Welcome, June '98", and several necessary patches. Inst
automatically selects these patches for installation -- do not deselect them.
In the future, updated versions of this Installation Tools CD will
contain maintenance (bug fixes) and feature upgrades to IRIX 6.5 called
Before upgrading to IRIX 6.5, you must read the "Start Here" section
of the documentation contained in the Customer Welcome. This
documentation is included on the IRIX 6.5 Base Documentation CD so
that you can view it online prior to installation.
To view the Start Here pages:
1. Insert the Base Documentation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Open a Web browser and go to:
3. Click the "Start Here" link.回车
Startup Script
This Installation Tools CD provides a script to help you prepare for
installation. This script checks for old kernel files and large files
you may no longer need and, with your approval, removes them.
Silicon Graphics strongly recommends that you run the startup script.
Product Support Information
Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product support
maintenance program for its products. For more information, install
the Custmer Welcome product from this Installation Tools CD and
browse the Support and Services page. If you would like to purchase
support, contact your local Silicon Graphics sales office. If you are
in the US or Canada and would like assistance with your Silicon
Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center
at (800) 800-4SGI. If you are outside these areas and require
assistance, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary or authorized
distributor in your country.
Software License Agreement
Packaged with your software is a separate sheet that
contains the Software License Agreement. This software is
provided to you solely under the terms and conditions of the
Software License Agreement. Please take a few moments to
review the Agreement.
Do you wish to run the optional installation startup script?
1. Run the installation startup script now
2. Ignore the startup script
3. Show the contents of the startup script
4. Help/Show the introductory "README" statement again
Please enter a choice [1]:1
To stop the current cleanup activity, press Control-C at any time.
Do you want to check for kernel crash files, program core files,
dumpster directories, temporary and lost+found files that might
prevent a successful installation? (yes/no) [yes] yes
This may take a few minutes...
The list of files will be shown one screen at a time,
in the format "owner size date filename".
For each screen, you will be prompted for each file in that screen.
Preparing list ...
root 29384 Nov 26 1998 /root/tmp/.ps_data/.ps_data
root 98336 Nov 26 1998 /root/var/tmp/.rtmond_shm_file
Use Control-C to end cleanup
UX:rm: INFO: File /root/tmp/.ps_data/.ps_data. Remove ? (yes/no)[no] : no
UX:rm: INFO: File /root/var/tmp/.rtmond_shm_file. Remove ? (yes/no)[no] : no
You may want to remove your old installed kernel (unix) object and
configuration files that have not been modified since installation
(modified files will be saved), because their presence may prevent
successful installation or configuration of a new kernel.
You should only do this if you are planning a full IRIX installation.
Do you want to remove the unmodified kernel files? (yes/no) [no] no
Distribution script completed, press ENTER to continue
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
This CD is part of a set. If you plan to install from another CD,
please insert it now and press "Enter" - this will allow you to select
software from two or more CDs, and to resolve all conflicts
up-front, before starting the install.
You may also enter the name of a different distribution, or
enter "done" if you are ready to proceed with the installation now.
1 /CDROM/dist
2 done (no action, return to inst menu)
Install software from: [/CDROM/dist] 插入FOUNDATION 1光盘
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
If you plan to install from another distribution, either choose from the
list below or enter the name of a different distribution.
This will allow you to make selections from two or more distributions
before starting the install.
Enter "done" if you are ready to proceed with the installation now.
1 /CDROM/dist
2 done (no action, return to inst menu)
Install software from: [/CDROM/dist] 插入FOUNDATION 2光盘
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
If you plan to install from another distribution, either choose from the
list below or enter the name of a different distribution.
This will allow you to make selections from two or more distributions
before starting the install.
Enter "done" if you are ready to proceed with the installation now.
1 /CDROM/dist
2 done (no action, return to inst menu)
Install software from: [/CDROM/dist] 插入APPLICATIONS光盘
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
If you plan to install from another distribution, either choose from the
list below or enter the name of a different distribution.
This will allow you to make selections from two or more distributions
before starting the install.
Enter "done" if you are ready to proceed with the installation now.
1 /CDROM/dist
2 done (no action, return to inst menu)
Install software from: [/CDROM/dist]2
Inst> install default
Inst> install *eoe
Inst> go
Pre-installation check .. 8%
Checking space requirements .. 16%
Installing/removing files .. 16%
Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 FOUNDATION-1" CD.
Type control-C to interrupt.
Installing/removing files .. 30%
Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 APPLICATIONS JUNE 1998" CD.
Type control-C to interrupt.
Installing/removing files .. 77%
Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 FOUNDATION-2" CD.
Type control-C to interrupt.
Installing/removing files .. 88%
Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 INSTALLATION TOOLS JUNE 1998" CD.
Type control-C to interrupt.
Installing/removing files ..
Installations and removals were successful.
You may continue with installations or quit now.
To install from another CD, change the CD in the drive and enter
command "from".
Requickstarting ELF files (see rqsall(1)) .. 100% Done.
Automatically reconfiguring the operating system.
Ready to restart the system. Restart? { (y)es, (n)o, (sh)ell, (h)elp }:y
Preparing to restart system ...
The system is being restarted.
a. 在 /etc/hosts文件中,修改主机IP地址及主机名。
b. 在/etc/sys_id文件中,修改主机名。
c. 修改缺省的子网掩码,生成并编辑/etc/config/ifconfig-1.options,加入
netmask 十六进制的掩码
d. 加入网关。在/etc/config目录下编辑文件static-route.options,加入
$ROUTE $QUIET add net default <网关IP地址>
/usr/bin/router add default <网关IP地址> 1
e. 生成shadow文件
f. 系统开机自动启动
#nvram AutoLoad y
g. 自动重配核心
#autoconfig -f
h. 重启系统
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