当我要为机构命名时,心中一片空白。因为出版专辑纯粹是回应神的恩典,并没有远大的异象,心里著实难过了一阵子, 不知自己为何不 能清楚明白神的托付,好为机构定一个有实质意义的名字。一天读到耶利米书十八章4-6节「…窑匠看怎样好,就怎样做… 泥在窑匠的手中怎样, 你们在我的手中也怎样.」一语道出了我的心声!我的服事不过是神手中的一块泥土,泥土哪能知道神要把它 做成什麼器皿, 或是要如何使用呢?窑匠拥有绝对的主权, 泥土无权要求,也无权过问,只需单纯地顺服,把自己摆上。我高兴地成立了「泥土音乐」,不再为缺乏异象而苦恼,祷告也很明确: 「愿神的旨意成就在泥土音乐里!」
这条服事的道路走到如今, 只能赞叹“大窑匠”的奇妙作为! 我想他的心是迫切的, 所以到处为我们敞开音乐布道之门, 使用“泥土音乐”传扬他的福音! 我们怀著敬畏和感恩的心, 愿意紧紧跟随他的脚步, 忠心完成他的托付.
~ 「泥土音乐」负责人 盛晓玫
Clay Music is a non-profit organization incorporated in California, in January 2004. Our mission is to preach the love of Jesus through music.
When I needed to pick a name for this ministry, I felt clueless for a few days. The album was merely a response to God’s grace, with no specific vision at the beginning. I remember blaming myself for not understanding exactly what God wanted to use us for, and feeling guilty that I could not come up with a name to tell people about this ministry. Then one day, as I read Jeremiah 18:6, “…Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand….” I immediately found comfort in God’s words and realized what we were…clay in His hands!
This ministry is just a piece of clay in the Potter’s hands. How is clay supposed to know what vessel the Potter will mold it into? Clay has no right to decide for the Potter, only the willingness to obey! So, I gladly named this ministry “Clay Music”. My prayer is very specific: May God’s will be done in Clay Music!
~ Amy Sand, founder of Clay Music ~
A Psalm of Clay
Clay is to be used by the Potter.
He molds it into different vessels, according to His own will.
Nobel or ignoble, Clay is content to be a useful vessel to the Potter.
Clay is from the earth, a place full of life!
Life is the power of God.
A tiny seed can grow to be something tall and strong, showing the beauty and wonder of its Creator!
Clay Music is a miracle!
Life-changing stories are behind many Clay Music songs.
May the Author use them to touch the hearts of listeners and bring blessings to their lives!
May each song be a “good seed” that falls on good soil, to produce crop and yield a hundred times what was sown.
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