1987年9月 – 1990年7月 西安医科大学卫生管理系卫生管理干部专修科 大学专科;
1997年8月 – 1999年12月 美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)商学院工商管理 学士(B.S. in Business Administration);
2000年8月– 2004年12月 美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)农业经济系 农商管理(Agribusiness Management)硕士;
2003年1月– 2007年5月 美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)农业经济系 农商管理(Agribusiness Management)博士。
1981年7月 – 1987年9月 西安医科大学第一附属医院肿瘤科 放射治疗技师;
1990年7月 – 1995年9月 西安医科大学校长办公室秘书(期间于1994年10月至1995年6月在卫生部湖南医科大学英语培训中心学习);
1995年10月- 1997年8月美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)访问;
2000年9月- 2007年5月美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)农业经济系 助研(Research Assistant)(期间于2007年1-5月兼任助教 Teaching Assistant);
2007年11月至今,密苏里大学莫琨创业领导中心(McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, McCEL)博士后研究人员(兼);
2008年5-8月加拿大卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)经济学系 教师;
2008年 9月至今,西北农林科技大学经济管理学院教授;2009年4月至今,博士生导师。
农业经济学(Agricultural Economics,ECON 3860A),加拿大卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)本科课程, 2008年夏季学期。
Xue, J., “Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Management and Sustainable Development,” Ministerial Seminar on Agricultural Development and Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries, November 6, 2011, Xi’an, China.
Xue, J., “Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Management and Sustainable Development,” Ministerial Seminar on Dryland Agricultural Management for Developing Countries, November 3, 2012, Xi’an, China.
创业与农村发展(Entrepreneurship and Rural Development);食品安全(Food Safety);农业可持续发展(Sustainable Agricultural Development)。
学科领域:农业经济学(Agricultural Economics), 新制度经济学(New Institutional Economics), 经济发展Economic Development。
中国食品供应链特征与食品安全的关系研究,西北农林科技大学科研启动项目,10万元,2008年12月 – 2011年12月。
与格罗宁根大学国际名师(Dr. Henk Folmer)合作研究和交流项目,教育部,100万元,2010-2014 (本人为项目主持人) 。
Xue, J. and Zhang, W. “Understanding China's Food Safety Problem: An Analysis of 2,387 Incidents of Acute Foodborne Illness,”Food Control, vol. 30, No. 1 (2013): 311-317. [SCI]
Xue, J and Klein, P., “Regional Determinants of Technology Entrepreneurship,”
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, vol. 1, No.3 (2010): 291-308.
Xue, J., “Universities and the Next Generation of Entrepreneurship,”
Journal of the World Universities Forum, vol, 1, No.4 (2008), 55-60.
Xue, J. Wei, J, Zhang, W. and Hussain, K., “The environmental impact of adiposity: greenhouse gas effects of overweight and obesity in U.S. adult population”.
Xue, J. Hussain, K., Wei, J. and Zhang, W., “An Analysis of the Causes of Obesity: A Structural Equations Modeling Approach”.
Xue, J., “Professional imposed economic transactions and their implications to higher education”.
Tang, J., Folmer, H., van der Vlist, A.J. and Xue, J., “The Impacts of Management Reform on Irrigation Water Use Efficiency in Guanzhong Plain, China.” [Under review]
Folmer, H. and Xue, J., “Why has Dutch Agriculture been so successful? Suggestions to improve agricultural and rural development in China.” 19China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Fair, November 20, 2012, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
Xue, J., Zhang, X. and Wei, J., “The Impact of Climate Change on Dry-Land Crop Production in the Yellow River Region: A Spatial Econometric Approach,” The Fourth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, July 12-13, 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
Xue, J., “Urbanization and the Changing Food System in China: Impacts on Human Health and the Environment,” China-Canada Sustainable Urban Food Systems, Workshop, April 17-19, 2012, Nanjing University, China.
Xue, J., “Emerging Food Safety Issues in the Globalizing World,” February 21, 2012, Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
Xue, J. and Zhang, W., “Food Safety Issues in China,” Guelph Food Safety Seminar Series, February 14, 2012, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
Xue, J., “Environmental Impact of Obesity: from the Perspective of Food Ecology,” The 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, January 10-12, 2012, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
Xue, J. and Folmer, H., “Making Land-Use Planning an Imperative Policy Handle for China’s Sustainable Development: A Proposal for an Institutional Framework,” PACE 2011 International Symposium on China’s Environment, Economy and Policy: Workshop and Summer Camp on Resources and Environmental Economics, July 12-16, 2011, Hangzhou, China.
Xue, J. and Zhang, W., “Understanding China’s Food Safety Problem: The Case of Acute Foodborne Illness,” April 26, 2011, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, U.S.A.
Xue, J., “The Role of Standard and China’s Rural Sustainable Development,” International Agri-science Forum, November 1-3, 2010, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
Xue, J., “Accounting for Missing Pieces: The Needham Puzzle Revisited,” The 3Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies: New Perspectives on China’s Development in the Post-Crisis Period, September 17-19, 2010, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China.
Xue, J., “Current Issues in China’s Rural Development- an Analytical Review,” Sustainable Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation in China: Changes, Challenges and Strategies for the Next Decade, ESPA Workshop, September 16, 2010, Beijing, China.
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences(2010)
Food Policy(2011)
International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development(2011)
Networks and Spatial Economics(2011).
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